Navigate to a New System
with Confidence


Current CAD or RMS in the End-of-Life phase?

Transitioning to a new system can be daunting, but with Mark43 by your side, it doesn't have to be.

Is your CAD or RMS system vendor no longer making updates or enhancements to your systems?

Are they making significant cuts to their customer support?

If the answer is yes to either of these questions. It's time to transition to modern cloud-native CAD and RMS.

Remaining on an End-of-Life system increases the likelihood of experiencing an outage or catastrophic system failure. Many vendors of End-of-Life solutions lack the customer support staff to help you get back up and running in case of an outage, which puts your officers' safety, agency data, regulatory compliance status, and operational efficiency at risk.

By transitioning to Mark43's cloud-native public safety platform, you'll have access to innovative, consistently updated technology that is accessible from anywhere, as well as 24/7 dedicated customer support for a seamless customer experience.

Need help figuring out where to start with the transition? Download our guide End-of-Life Technology: The Risks and Opportunities for Public Safety Agencies   to ensure a smooth and successful transition to a new CAD or RMS system.

EOL Tech Guide Cover

In this guide, you'll learn:

  • The dangers of remaining on an End-of-Life system
  • Why cloud-native CAD and RMS is the solution to your agency’s needs.
  • What to look for in a cloud-native vendor

Fill out the form on the right and start your journey to implement a modern public safety platform today!

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Learn How Other Agencies Have Made the Change

San Antonio Police Department

In 2019, the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) knew their records management system (RMS) wasn’t meeting the department’s needs. Captain Karen Falks, at the time responsible for Community Engagement & Technology, led the team that upgraded SAPD from a legacy records management solution to Mark43 RMS.

How did it get implemented? What were the results? Watch our webinar to hear Deputy Chief Karen Falks share the challenges San Antonio Police Department faced and the innovative solutions they adopted to save officers and residents time.


Metropolitan Police Department (Washington, DC)

"In terms of advice for other departments that are looking at procuring technology, I say do your homework. Look for not just the product, but also the service." Matthew Bromeland, Former Chief of Staff Metropolitan Police Department

Want more info?

Learn how Mark43's cloud-native CAD and RMS can help your agency.